Cave Cuniculum...

Latin. Means "beware the rabbit."

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Painful decisions...

IT staffing place called back; interview is set for tomorrow morning. I was also able to get some questions answered, but they just gave rise to new questions.

It's more money, but for a short period of time. There's no benefits until I reach a certain length of time with them. They'll start looking for more work for me when there's a month left on the current assignment, but that's no guarantee that there will be work. Probably the hardest part of this decision: it's a graphic design position. Do I leave a job that I hate to work in my field, but give up quite a bit of security? We'll be moving soon, but I need to be gainfully employed to make sure that happens - something I won't have a guarantee of should I go with this contract position.

Aargh. Sometimes adult decision making sucks.


At 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, Deaus is looking to advance her career and life and what-not, but you really gotta start looking out for YOU. If the opportunity comes up to get some real-world experience in your chosen profession, TAKE IT! The longer you delay adding meaningful history to you resume, the dustier that resume will look to prospective employers.

Deaus is investing a ton of time and effort into her future. It's about time you did the same.

At 3:23 PM, Blogger Hare said...

Yes, but I don't want today's career advancement to put me on the unemployment line tomorrow.

At 4:49 PM, Blogger Bela Hedgehog said...

DUUUDE, the unemployment line for someone who HAS been gainfully employed for as long as you have might not be the worst place to be. You will lose a small percentage of your income, but if you have someplace pimping you, it may average out in the long run.

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Hare said...

Small? More like half. I can't survive on half of my income right now - moving, new apartment, etc. - these all take money.

Besides, this may all be a moot point. They haven't even offered me the contract. Hell, I haven't even had an actual interview yet.


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