Cave Cuniculum...

Latin. Means "beware the rabbit."

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sometimes, failure really is funny...

Like here, for instance.

Kinda sums up my day so far. I haven't heard back from the guy who wanted to interview me for a contract position, job is running out of work...sometimes it's just not worth it to gnaw throught the straps to get up in the morning.

In reality, I deal with job, finances, cars, landlords - all of which are major disappointments currently. Nothing incredibly wrong with any one of them, but all lumped together it's rather difficult to deal with sometimes and makes for a long and frustrating day. In my mind, I'm sketching in a pub in Ireland, hoisting a pint of black, and enjoying watching the locals come and go. I rather like my mind's version of reality. Should the two clash, I'll probably have drunken Irishmen bashing on my car with my landlords outside my job, and I'll have to hand over my wallet before they'll stop.

But then I find things like this and the image linked above, and my spirits rise enough for me to continue plodding through the day.


At 12:36 PM, Blogger Bela Hedgehog said...

So I hit the link to the Edible Dirt comic at the top of your page, and it's blank.

That kind of goes along with the way I have been feeling lately; like nothing I ever do will make anything any better.
... idiots at work, idiots on my hockey team who make fun of me for bringing a dry erase board to try to map out some plays, idiots in our government, idiots making umpteen times my wage, idiots everywhere ...
And when you yell loud enough to be heard by the fuckers, their response is, "durrr HAHAHAHAAA!"
... then again, it WOULD keep up with my O.G. (original goth) style to cheer for human extinction ...

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Hare said...'s there now; their server must be buggered.

At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, still not there.
And no worries Cliff, we are well on our way to extinction. If we don't screw ourselves by changing the climate, then rest assured that we are only in an interglacial period, and that in a few thousand years sheets of ice will cover all the Walmarts in the world.

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So: Drinks this weekend?

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Hare said...

We still have some Everclear, I believe. We can speed up the inevitable...


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