Cave Cuniculum...

Latin. Means "beware the rabbit."

Monday, February 12, 2007

Icy Relationships - the finale...

We returned from Ann Arbor to find a message from our landlord, asking if we wanted to "wait it out" regarding the lost rent check. How about....


A check for a couple of dollars, maybe. A check for several hundred dollars? Hell no. They may not think it's a big deal, but then again it's not their money. The sad thing is that this had been going on for nine days, and we were forced to finally resolve it as they (our landlords) seemed unwilling to offer anything more than "wait it out." From now on, I'll either be hand-delivering the rent or mailing it via certified mail to them. That way we know they got it, and if they lose the check then they're out the money - not us.

The really sad thing here is that we've watched their landlording qualities decline over the four years we've been their tenants. At first, anything we needed done was taken care of nearly immediately. We never had to worry about icy sidewalks, or things breaking down in the apartment. Now we're left with holes in the walls, and issues with other tenants and requests for repairs are handled with a super-effective "meh." I'm not sure what's going on, but I wouldn't recommend these guys to my worst enemy.

Suffice to say, I will be effin' ecstatic when we finally move.


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