Cave Cuniculum...

Latin. Means "beware the rabbit."

Monday, January 22, 2007

It's not a tumour...

...or it could be. Who knows.

For the past couple weeks, I've been getting migraines. This is odd because - while I'll get the occasional headache - I've never really suffered from migraines. Then again, I can't think of anyone who enjoys migraines, either.

I thought I could be dehydrated, so I upped my water intake. No luck. If anything, it made the headaches worse. I've seriously cut back on the drinking, so it's not a hangover. Possibly a sinus infection, but those usually have other symptoms that come along with the aching in the head. It could be exhaustion, but I've never really been big on the sleeping so this is hardly new.

The only other thing that I can attribute it to is stress. Granted, everyone has a bit of stress in their lives and it's usually the status quo for most work-a-day slobs like myself. However, in recent weeks, the stress at The Shitty Job™ has increased markedly. Several good people have been fired for no good reason, while people who instigated a serious incident a week ago are still here. It makes absolutely no sense. Throw in an untrustworthy boss, an uncertain workflow, and a company that seems to thrive on screwing over its employees and you have an environment rife with malcontents - the perfect breeding ground for just a little stress.

I need a vacation, and a couple more aspirin.


At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny you mention it... I Was laid low yesterday with a migraine, too. Started Sunday. A couple of other folks have got them in the last few days, too.

I suspect a change in atmospheric pressure (honest!) as the trigger this time.

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, it's a tumor invadin yer brainmeats...

At 1:06 PM, Blogger Hare said...

But I need my brainmeats!!!! I'm almost certain I needs 'em!


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