Cave Cuniculum...

Latin. Means "beware the rabbit."

Monday, November 20, 2006

Things and doings...

As Jerry Garcia once said, "...what a long strange trip it's been."

It's been over a month since I last posted. That's a fairly long time, but this is one of the first opportunities I've had to post in a long, long time. Lots of driving and lots of overtime tend to take away from one's ability to blog - or blog coherently, for that matter.

My wife is looking into graduate schools, so we've been trekking to universities to check out the faculty, programs, and locations. The basic M.O. is to drive to the university, spend a couple of hours talking to the faculty and checking out the school and city, then driving back home. Definately tiring, both from the driving and absorbing information standpoints. It'll all pay off in the end, when we're settled in. I'm sure my wife will be happier when she's done with all the application/interview procedures, and can get back to what she enjoys most - making art. I'll be happier when we're settled, and I'm - hopefully - working somewhere in my field doing what I enjoy - bonding with a Mac, turning type and images into printed/electronic works of art.

Work has been chaotic. A client is requesting completion of a project on an accelerated deadline. This means that for the past couple of weeks I've been working ten-hour days during the week, and a weekend shift here and there. Currently it looks like Thanksgiving may be spent at work.

Some free time would be handy right about now. I've holiday cards to design/produce/send, holiday artwork to do, gifts to buy/create, and sleep to have.

In my next life, I'm coming back as a housecat.


At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've already made that trade with Caerbrae, so you'll have to make some sort of arrangement with Manny. You should bargin for some extra goosy food on account of having to deal with his prolifically stink poo in this lifetime.


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