Cave Cuniculum...

Latin. Means "beware the rabbit."

Monday, August 28, 2006

Weirdness update....

Things are still strange and confusing, and they just got a little stranger.

My boss had a meeting with the individual who is responsible for not approving my promotion. In said meeting, this individual purportedly told my boss, "this is important. Needs to be taken care of. Why hasn't it been taken care of?"

Hmmm. Quite possibly because it wasn't his responsibility and he didn't have the authority?

Apparently it's now in my boss's court, and he's handling the matter. After three months of waiting and wondering, it's quite possible that things will be resolved shortly. However, I'm not taking any chances. On Friday (when I was told of these new developments), I threw down the gauntlet.

By this Wednesday, the following should occur:
  • The promotion will be posted, and be made official.

  • My wage will be adjusted to reflect the new position.

  • My wage will be retroactive to three months ago, and I will receive back pay for lost wages during that time period.

  • My annual review is also past due. My review will be completed, and I will be given said review and according yearly increase.

  • All of the above will be verified and in writing, and all wage increases/back pay will be reflected on the next pay period's cheque.

  • Should these items not be completed, I'll be sending an email out to the corporate office requesting that the issue be resolved.

I talked to my boss about this, and he agreed to it. I'm not engaging in any subterfuge; everything is in the open. My boss and I have agreed that this needed to be resolved quickly, and now it looks like it will be. Update on Thursday as to what happened/didn't happen.

To any potential employers reading this: I'm not a hard person to deal with, really. I patiently waited for three months for this issue to be resolved; when things weren't being taken care of, I started to push - following the chain of command, of course. When the chain of command didn't work, I informed my boss that I would handle it myself by emailing the corporate office. He requested I hold off for a while; and I did. However, enough is enough. I have to be a man of my word, and receive what I have been promised. During this time my work quality and attitude hasn't suffered; I've continued to perform above expectations.

The moral of the story is: if you promise an employee something (raise, promotion, cookie, etc.), you'd better be in a position to deliver.

The next employee may not be as patient as I have been.


At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you!1!\m/

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Bela Hedgehog said...

Really, he's easy to get along with. Were he following my advice, he'd issue someone "an offer they can't refuse"

At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was hoping that our new corporate management would somehow cause our annual reviews to be completed on time. My hopes were dashed after reading your post. Ah well, at least I now know to not expect my next review to be on time.

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Hare said...

Somehow, I get the feeling that we shouldn't be expecting anything from the management folks...


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