Cave Cuniculum...

Latin. Means "beware the rabbit."

Thursday, March 13, 2008

And now we play the waiting game…

This morning I did something both devastatingly scary and damned exciting at the same time: I submitted an offer on a home.

For several months now, The Wife™ and I have been looking at homes. It started as an attempt to get out of a bad situation (landlords & neighbors) and turned into an exercise in frustration. Either the house was too expensive or needed insane amounts of repair, or it was in an incredibly bad neighborhood (i.e. backed up to a crack neighborhood). Finally we found a home we liked, in a decent neighborhood and priced where we could afford it. Then the issues with the taxes came up. That has been dealt with, and the offer has been submitted.

Now, we wait. We wait for the bank to tell us "WAI!" or "NO WAI."

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shotgun a bottle of antacids.


At 4:57 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

What's wrong with a crack neighborhood? Crack heads need friends too, you know. Oh wait - you're better than them, is that it? Puh-leeze.

At 5:00 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

Oops...didn't think about the fact that you'll probably take that comment completely different than how it was intended if you don't know who this is. Umm...I'm continuing my ancient but short-lived tradition of leaving smart-ass comments on your blog. Yes, you know who this is, although probably not by this name. I used to work at (and still do) that G.R. company that you were at for a few years.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Hare said...

Nah, we're not BETTER than them. They just keep all the good stuff for themselves and we get the stuff cut with rat poison and baby spit.

So how are things at that GR company which shall not be named?

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Jesse said...

See the comment I just left on one of your really old posts for the answer to your question. I'm guessing you've figured out who this is by now, but if not let me know and I'll fill you in, in case you care.


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