Cave Cuniculum...

Latin. Means "beware the rabbit."

Friday, January 09, 2009

This is the end, my friends

As of 6pm today, I am a statistic. As of 6pm today, I join the ranks of Michigan's unemployed.

For the four or five of you that read this blog, you'll remember that I, was employed as a graphic designer/web developer for a Detroit-area car dealership. Ironically enough, for the past two weeks - when the shit hit the fan with the Big Three - I stated that "the creative department is the first to go."

Irony, it appears, likes to bite people in the ass.

The full weight of this hasn't sunk in yet. This is probably due to the six or seven beers I've consumed in the past two hours. Possibly a little is due to the two hour walk I took in sub-zero temperatures.

In any event, when the beer wears off and my internal temperature returns to normal, I will still be unemployed. Suffice to say this may prevent my posting, but I'm always available via email and phone.

After all, it's not like I have a job to go to or anything...


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