Cave Cuniculum...

Latin. Means "beware the rabbit."

Monday, April 24, 2006 mean this degree is actually worth something?!?

When I first started looking for work in the graphic design field, an old professor of mine passed along this sage advice:
"after five years, you'll be able to get work. Before that, nobody will hire you."

As it turns out, she was fairly accurate. After I graduated in December of 2001, I started looking for work in the field. I held a contract position for all of a month; after that, things went a bit downhill. Freelance work was sparse; and with places like McGraw-Hill and Steelcase downsizing their creative departments, I was thrust into the mix along with folks who had 10-20 years of experience. I managed to land a few interviews, but when you're up against folks with that much experience you don't stand much of a chance. So, for the next couple of years I hid out in a job that paid the bills while I kept searching for the elusive "job in the field."

Now, things are looking up a bit. I've recently taken a freelance position with a local arts/entertainment magazine. This is good primarily because it gives me experience in the field, and also because it won't interfere with my full-time job. Yay, me.


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